This post is going to be a bit sappy. But, to be fair, I hardly ever post mushy love posts and it's my anniversary so cut me some slack. =)
Six years ago on August 7, 2009 I made the second best decision of my life - I married Drew (the very best decision of my life being to give it to Christ!). I had no idea how to be a wife, no idea what marriage was really like, no idea how to truly set aside my selfishness for the good of another person. But I jumped into marriage with both feet and faced the steep learning curve. Let me tell you, marriage is not for the faint of heart. Choosing to combine your life with someone for better or for worse is not an easy task considering the sinful state of human nature. But it's worth the work because marriage can be refining, healing, beautiful, and fun!
God says that marriage is GOOD:
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22
I'm so glad God gave me the good gift of Drew. Is he perfect? Nope. But he's perfect for me. He is weak where I'm strong and he is strong where I'm weak. He balances me out and helps me think from a different perspective. In marriage it's easy to get stuck on the little annoying things your spouse does. But a few years into our marriage I realized how silly it was to pick fights over how to squeeze the toothpaste tube (FYI: Drew and I now have our own SEPARATE tubes of toothpaste because we finally decided to just agree to disagree!!! =)). But seriously, I'd rather save up my energy to fight battles that really matter, like conquering sin with each other's help or fighting through difficult life circumstances together.
We've done a lot in our six years of marriage. We've lived in two different countries, three states, and six different houses. We've had three children, completed an international adoption, and lived in Africa for a year. We have said hurtful things to each other and we have forgiven and been forgiven. We have had a blast together on numerous crazy adventures and we have laughed together till our sides hurt.
Interested in a healthy marriage? Listen to this:
"Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful."
Colossians 3: 12-15
That's a big pill to swallow!! But the closer to Christ we become the better we are able to love our spouse like this.... and it creates a sweet, sweet marriage.
I must say that my second year of marriage was better than my first, my third year was better than my second, my fourth year was better than my fifth, and my sixth year has been better than them all combined! Our marriage just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter as we continue to learn each other in and out, as we face and overcome trials together, as we walk through valleys and as we rejoice on mountaintops together. There is no one else I would rather live this life with than my very best friend!
Engaged! |
Married (we saved our first kiss for our wedding day!) |
First Year - Isaiah was born a month and a half after our first anniversary. |
Second year! |
Third year! Eloise joined our family! |
Fourth year! |
Fifth year! Olive joined our family! |
And Sixth Year! |
I love seeing how our family has grown, our love has strengthened, and our lives have changed in these six short years. And I look forward to the next 6 (and 16 and 60 years, God willing!!).