- The day Isaiah was born.

- First birthday!

- Second birthday!

- Third birthday!
This post is a little late in coming as I've been working on getting my new blog up and running... but it's finally here!
Last week, on September 25th, my baby boy turned three years old. How is it even possible that three years have gone by since I first held him in my arms? I feel like it was just a week ago.
Isaiah Mark Hutcheson is a {JOY} to our family. He is full of energy and almost always has a smile on his face. He loves all things BOY. You name it, he likes it. Dirt. Trucks. Bugs. He has just started getting into Thomas the Train and is now all about {choo choo trains} too. His favorite movie is Cars II. His favorite color is blue. His favorite food is pizza.
Coming into this world at only 6 lbs 11 oz and 18.5 inches long, he's made up for lost time and is now 40 inches tall (90th percentile) and 33 pounds (60th percentile)! No surprise there...he's tall like mommy and daddy!
Since the day we brought Eloise home, Drew has instilled in Isaiah how important it is to take care of his little sister. He has taken Daddy's words to heart and takes his job very seriously! So far there's been very little fighting between Ellie and Isaiah. He protects her, loves on her, and shares with her {for now at least} and we are thankful they get along so well.
Isaiah started "preschool" at home this year. We do his school books for just an hour a day but it's one of his favorite things to do. Right now we're just learning how to draw shapes, learn colors and animals, opposites, and do crafts, etc. I'm constantly amazed at how quickly he learns and how much he picks up!
Zai feels like a big grown up boy in so many ways and yet still my baby in others. He still loves his blankie {Boo} and heaven forbid, if we leave the house without it, Daddy, you better turn around real quick! He still {loves} to snuggle with mommy and he's not ashamed to shower mommy, daddy, and sister with hugs and kisses. He's definitely Mr. Independent now, though, and a common phrase we hear is, "No! I can do it by myself!". =) I tell him often that he had better stop growing because I am sad he's growing up too fast. He replies with his eyes down and in a sad tone, "I'm sorry, Mama. I just can't" as if he is truly disappointed that he can't stop time for me. Oh bless his heart. I love this boy!
And now, without further ado, pictures from the big day!

- Birthday breakfast - French toast!

- Cutest birthday boy ever!

- First present of the day - a lion costume!

- Love this cute lion (and his sister behind him).

- And now we have a lion opening up the second present of the day!

- A car puzzle!

- A basketball!

- He looks like he's crying but he's actually laughing because he just hit himself in the nose with his basketball and he thought it was hilarious. =)

- This boy can dribble!

- Eloise's face in this one cracks me up!!! She's more excited about Isaiah's present than he is!

- New jammies!

- The look on Isaiah's face when he saw that a Thomas the Train tricycle came in the mail for him! =)

- Eloise loved the box!

- Chuck E. Cheese for Isaiah's birthday party a few days after his birthday. Eloise thought that this {fast!} horsey ride was a little too much for her! =)

- Shooting with daddy.

- Eloise rode Noah's Ark!

- This horsey was a little more her size! ;)

- Baby Nova loved the rides too!!

- Isaiah was lovin all the games!

- He even got Aunt Cindy to do one with him!

- The birthday boy's cake that he picked out all on his own!

- The party!

- Sweet Novalee, my niece!

- Fun playdough!

- Eloise wasn't getting any presents so she figured she might as well sit back and relax...

- A big dump truck that moves and makes noise!

- Somebody was excited to dig into his cake!
- Blowing out the candles {with a little help from Sister}.
I think it's safe to say Isaiah had a wonderful birthday! Now somebody, PLEASE, slow down time. Before I know it, we'll be celebrating his 13th birthday {yikes!}!